Thursday, May 31, 2007

O'Lielly Smears

So John Edwards was the subject of Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" yesterday:

While Rosie O'Donnell is a poster girl for far left propaganda, far more serious is the conduct of John Edwards. The former vice presidential candidate has sold his soul to far left interests and is now telling the world the war on terror is a "bumper sticker." — Imagine losing a loved one on 9/11 hearing that.

Edwards is running a preposterous campaign. He lives like a sultan in a 30,000 foot North Carolina house. Look at that! Yet he decries economic unfairness in America. He runs around telling Americans the system is rigged, while paying $400 for a haircut. This guy is a one-man sitcom.

Now across the street from his palatial mansion is a trailer park where working class Americans live. They are neighbors of John Edwards. Some like him. Most don't.


We couldn't find anybody in the trailer park to say anything nice about John Edwards.

Now "Talking Points" tries to respect all of those who want to serve their country, but Edwards is an exception. I have no respect for him. He's a phony and is in the tank for special interest to damage this country. Edwards is going nowhere, but deserves to be called out.

This is just more cheap political shots from a hack at a propoganda outlet loosing its muster among average Americans.

Where to even begin:

- Edwards has rightly rejected the GWB frame of "Global War on Terror" as a bumper-sticker. And so have many leading military and national security experts. So did the 9/11 Commission! To suggest that Edwards is unsympathetic to those "losing a loved one on 9/11" is demogogery. O'Reilly could have done his job and provided information on John's speech on our military in New York last week. There Edwards laid out a true vision for a forward-leaning modern military and foreign policy that would be tougher on terrorism than our current efforts of a mindless occupation of Iraq.

- The criticism of Edwards owning a large home and being empathetic for the poor as "preposterous" is a tired old conservative false attack. Apparently only the poor can advocate for the poor, and if your rich you must remain a ignorant buffoon like Bill O'Reilly. John Edwards has nothing to appologize for builing the home for his family that he wishes to build. He earned it - by the sweat of his brow. John Edwards is the American dream. He's just a son of a mill-worker, the brother of a union carpenter, who dropped out of Auburn after a semester, worked at the mill, and decided to make something of himself. Graduated from NC State, UNC Law degree, best damn lawyer in the state; married up, four beautiful children, buried a child, served his state and his country. Just try and demean that. And here's Elizabeth herself on the house:
What I do know is that it is no news bulletin that John and I have money. It is no news bulletin that he earned every cent. And it is no news bulletin that children in Robbins read in a nice children's library room, that high school students in Raleigh and Goldsboro do their research in nice computer labs, that Raleigh Parks and Rec centers have computer labs for residents, that the homeless in the Triangle have assistance with their shelters and Habitat for Humanity has assistance in building them homes -- among other things -- because John did not just spend what he earned on himself. He does not need to apologize, and you do not need to apologize for him. (Although bless your hearts for wanting to.)
John Edwards understands working class people, and he's shown it with his tireless support of trade unions (who built the middle class), his universal healthcare proposal, his rural recovery plan, his work to rasise the minimum wage in 6 states, etc.

- "A phony and is in the tank for special interest"? Look in a mirror lately Bill-o?

No wonder more peopel are watching Olbermann at that hour. I know I am.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Edwards picks up Endorsements in Indiana

I'm going to go ahead and post the press release from the campaign:

More than 30 Democratic leaders endorse Edwards for president

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
– As Senator John Edwards’ presidential campaign continues to gain support across the country, more than 30 Democratic leaders from Indiana came out in support of Edwards and his vision to transform America. Among those endorsing Edwards for president are Indiana House of Representatives Majority Leader Russ Stillwell and former Indiana Democratic Party Chairs Robin Winston and Ann DeLaney.

“As a third generation coal miner, I understand the challenges facing America’s working families,” said Stilwell. “Between caring for elderly parents, paying their bills and educating their children, working men and women struggle to make ends meet. John Edwards understands the choices facing Hoosier workers as they strive to provide for their families. I am proud to join other Democrats in supporting John Edwards for President because I know he will work to make the American dream a reality for all of us.”

Winston endorsed Edwards saying, "John Edwards embodies the spirit of our party. He has plans to address the issues that matter to Hoosier families — plans to provide universal health care, create a new energy economy, strengthen our middle class and protect our country. Senator Edwards reminds me of the best of our Midwest values and will help move Indiana and our nation forward."

DeLaney said, “I think that John Edwards is uniquely qualified in this very dangerous time to lead our country. He shares the values of Hoosiers and understands the challenges facing the middle class. I enthusiastically endorse his candidacy.”

The Indiana Democrats endorsing Edwards for president are:

Ann DeLaney, former Indiana Democratic Party Chairperson
Robin Winston, former Indiana Democratic Party Chairperson
Russ Stilwell, Majority Leader, Indiana House of Representatives
Dennie Oxley House Majority Whip
State Representative Terri Austin
State Representative Terry Goodin
State Representative Sheila Klinker
State Representative Robert Kuzman
State Representative Linda Lawson
State Representative Scott Pelath
Nancy Michael, Mayor of Greencastle
D. William (Bill) Moreau, Jr. Former Chief of Staff to Governor Evan Bayh
Shaw Friedman, 2004 Dean for America Indiana coordinator, General Chairman of the Donnelly for Congress (IN-02), former LaPorte County Democratic Chair, and former Legal Counsel, Indiana Democratic Party
Mike Jones 9th Congressional District Chair
Marjorie Warnick, 3rd Congressional District Democratic Vice Chair
Mary Lou Terrell, 8th Congressional District Vice Chair former Indiana Democratic Party Vice Chair
Tom O’Donnell Business Manager IBEW Local 481
Brian Williams former Political Director Indiana Democratic Party
Mark Owen, former Vanderburgh County Democratic Chair
Greg Hahn, Legal Counsel, Marion County Democratic Party and attorney
Terry Burns, Marion County Democratic Party Communications Director
Elizabeth (Beth)White, Marion County Clerk
Bruce Kehoe, partner in Kehoe and Willingham
Edward DeLaney, community activist
Laura Michaels, local businesswoman
David Galvin, political activist
John Wilcox, political activist
Ehren Bingaman, political activist
Kate Sweeney-Bell, political activist
Amanda Lawson, political activist
Patty Yount, political activist

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Don't Back Down

Add your name to the petition (70k signatures and growing) asking the US Congress to End the War in Iraq by challenging this President with real binding measures in funding to defund the escalation and end the occupation of Iraq and redeploy. We need to speak clearly to the Congress that it is their responsibility to control the power of the purse. We can no longer allow George W. Bush to ignore our best interests in further engaging in the current failed policy in Iraq.

Check out the "We the People" campaign at and watch the newest ads.

Indiana For Edwards Coming Soon

This is just an announcement that the Indiana for Edwards blog will hopefully roll-out fully sometime later this month. In the mean time I'll be updating the banners and links and posting the most important campaign information, etc.

But I hope to soon include:
- New colaborators
- Links to other Statewide Edwards blogs
- Analysis of Edwards message and the politics of the Presidential primary and general election
- News around the Hoosier state that coincides with Edwards' message and campaign
- Any information on endorsements or Indiana fundraisers for John Edwards (note that Edwards has raised the most money from Indiana of any Presidential contender)

Please feel free to explore the page and leave comments or email feedback (indianaforedwards at gmail). And think about making a donation on behalf of Indiana Hoosiers to John Edwards for President!